Author Archives: aibeauty

Hair Loss

Thinner hair, wider part line, significant amount of hair falling out, small patches of baldness, etc…The fear of becoming complete baldness or pattern baldness is growing every time checking the hair out in front of the mirror. Usage of hair growth shampoo or serum does not seem to provide a satisfied improvement. How aesthetic treatments […]


Cellulite is a skin condition that troubles 80-90% of post-pubertal women, according to research studies. Skin with cellulite appears as orange peel skin and lacks youthfulness. What actually causes cellulite and how can we smooth it out? Causes Our thighs and buttocks contain more fat cells than other parts of the body, making them easier for […]


What are blackheads and whiteheads Blackheads and whiteheads are caused by the presence of sebum in the pores. The sebaceous glands in the pores naturally secrete sebum to lubricate the skin. Where you run into issues is when the sebum clogs the skin pores and prevents sebum from reaching the surface of the skin. It leads to the […]

Acne Marks

Everyday is a battle for people who have acne-prone skin. Even after a long flight to get rid of the acne, the victory does not last long as the left behind acne mark is the next battle. The continuous concern and struggling on the acne and acne mark tire people out and lose faith. Will […]