Thermage London | Thermage FLX UK

Thermage FLX is a radiofrequency treatment that addresses skin imperfections. Ai Beauty has carried out the highest number of procedures in the UK. We are committed to bringing this brand-new cutting-edge skin tightening technology to our customers and helping them achieve perfect and forever youthful skin. What Is Thermage?  | Thermage London |  Thermage FLX […]

Inmode Contoura

What is Inmode Contoura? Contoura is a all-around body treatment, developed by an Iranish company called Inmode, that utilises radio-frequency to address fat reduction, skin tightening, anti-ageing and body contouring. Supported by clinical results, it is proven to permanently and accurately remove unwanted fat cells and reduce the total number of fat cells in the body, […]

Advanced PRP Therapy

– What is Advanced PRP Therapy – PRP Cellular Matrix: Cellular Matrix exclusive technology allows the preparation of an autologous platelet-rich plasma that contains a high number of growth factors, which will then be injected into skin, offering better and longer-lasting results. – Advantages of Advanced PRP Therapy – Advanced PRP therapy combines PRP technology and […]

Perioral Mounds

(Pockets of fat at corners of mouth) Causes & Symptoms Perioral mounds can be the result of ageing and genetics. The appearance of perioral mounds, deflating cheeks, and downturned mouth corners can all occur at the same time. Sometimes, deflating cheeks may happen along with tear troughs. Treatment Fixing the perioral mound is one of the most […]